Check Receiver, Hospital, and airline

I had a lively conversation with the recipient we are working with. He told me about the marketing executive he put into the national hospital system. What makes the placement memorable is that the executive was appearing in the airline industry. It is not uncommon for the Health Care industry to reach out exclusively to senior executives.

So what happens during this time? The executive, we'll call him Paul, had no experience with unique challenges in the Health Care industry and there was no communication in the search industry. He was the kind of candidate who didn't pass the first exam, was he?

True enough.

Except… the hospital was looking to change its business strategy. They wanted the sick to look like strangers. The whole concept of "patient" has been adopted. The time is from the old days when people would travel to the present to appear at the door of one of the city doctors. They had to wait for so long it took the doctor to see them, so a sick person. The time understood by the hospital has changed and people now have options. People should not wait patiently for a doctor to be around them. The hospital wanted everyone who worked in their system, and the wider community, to understand that those who seek care from them would be considered the guests they respect - not the number holders in the ranks. They hoped this new way of looking at "patients" could attract visitors from far away, doctors looking for a better place to work, and research opportunities.

The aviation industry is very good at promoting brand loyalty, so the advertiser was able to show his client that Paul, because he was from outside the industry, would fit the profile he was looking for. He had so much experience doing what they needed. He solved their business problem and added unique value to their business especially because he was from a well-known industry for promoting the integrity of the band - exactly what they were looking for.

This is not something that can be done through software online, and not every recruitment or HR executive will make this kind of relationship. The first items on the list of employers from the client are usually "industry experience." So if you're looking to transition from one industry to another, especially if you're from a struggling industry, remember:

Research. You must completely understand the challenges the leasing company faces.
Put together for them. You must connect the dots because they won't. Show how good you are in helping them because of your experience in another industry. People already in the industry will not think of any difference than the last person to hold the post. Use it!
Get help. Screens will filter you out unless you have a connection to take you to the gatekeepers.
It requires the engineer's imagination to handle all moving parts with the artist's touch to paint a picture of how your expertise and thought leadership solves business problems and achieves goals in a new industry. So link up your local Vinci name, add a Picasso photo, and see him grow in prosperity in the new industry!

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