How to Run a Successful Job Search: Advice from a 25-year-old executive recipient

At this session of RuleuNet Technical Class, recruiting 25-year-old executive, sales writer, and Kellogg School professor Jeff Hyman shares his secrets in finding a job that really works.

Despite a large labor market, many executives fail to take the job they want because they make five mistakes. Find out what it is, and how to find the right path instead. Together, find the best way to get heads to call you.

Executives who plan to implement the labor movement should attend this session
What you learn:

Background photos from 25 year old recipient
5 major mistakes that executive job seekers make
Is it What the White House and employers want (and how to afford it)
Best ways to find an executive ... even secret
Members' comments on this class were numerous. Here's a taste of what was told:

"A clear, actionable guide, a guide that will help you find the Rock Star position that suits your talent!"
"Good advice. My colleagues work hard to get interviews with the right companies and often make mistakes."
"It's very specific and informs about the recruitment process from the recruitment POV."
"Full knowledge of the subject; the practical attitude of the recipient of the experience; the power and desire to share the pearls of wisdom."
"A good investment of my time."
"The Speaker was very clear about the realities of executive search and provides comments and tips that you may not hear on other similar sites."
"Well, clearly, honest with a lot of power."
"The presenter was a top shelf - educated, professional, presented information to enhance the information and experience of the real world."
"This is my third teacher class and I have learned a lot about job search until I keep getting better and better for her; the results show that. I will recommend the class to others."
"I thought it was short and nice, and we took some serious steps."
"This was almost full darn!"

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